Meeting Rooms

Meeting Rooms

Meeting Rooms Available
Reserve a Meeting Room
Equipment Available
Using the Meeting Rooms
Meeting Room Policy

Meeting Rooms Available

West Meeting Room Maximum capacity of 46
McMillan Meeting Room A Maximum capacity of 54
McMillan Meeting Room B Maximum capacity of 103
Note: McMillan A & B may be combined for a maximum capacity of 157.


To Reserve a Meeting Room
Contact the meeting rooms coordinator, Susie Geswein, at (317) 839-6602, ext. 2135


Equipment Available
The library has chairs and tables in all the meeting rooms for the use of your group. Each meeting room also has a computer projector, a DVD/VHS player, and access to WIFI. A whiteboard may be available upon request.


Using the Meeting Rooms

Your group is welcome to use the library parking lot.

Unattended Children
The staff of the Plainfield-Guilford Township Public Library cannot take care of the young children of your group’s members while you are attending a meeting. Sometimes young children who are left unattended in the library during meetings become frightened and confused. We do not recommend leaving a child under ten years old alone in the library, even if a parent or caretaker is in a meeting in another part of the building. To protect your child and promote child safety, we will return unattended children to you in your meeting. Although we make the library as safe as we can for everyone who uses it, there is always the possibility of danger to unattended children.

The Plainfield-Guilford Township Public Library policy states that no one can smoke on library property, either inside or outside of the building. This includes the outside entry area near the front door. Thank you for asking your group to comply with this policy.

Use of the Meeting Rooms
The library building and the furniture and equipment in it have been purchased in part with tax money from this community. The library is yours to use, but it is also yours to take care of. Protect your investment. Do not damage or mutilate the building, furniture or equipment. Groups which do not clean up after themselves or which leave damaged library property behind may be charged for repairs or cleaning. Repeat offenders may be refused the use of the meeting rooms.

Open Meeting Policy
Because the library is a publicly supported facility, all meetings held in the meeting rooms must be open to anyone who wishes to attend. No one may be excluded from a meeting.

Responsibility and Release
Groups using the library’s meeting rooms agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Plainfield-Guilford Township Public Library, its agents and representatives, from any and all suits, actions, claims or demands of any character or nature arising out of or brought on account of any injuries or damages sustained by any person as a consequence or result of the use of the library facility, its meeting rooms, furnishings or equipment.