Are You a Jason Bourne Fan?

With the new movie The Bourne Legacy soon to be released, I decided to revisit the first book of the series, The Bourne Identity. When initially approaching the thought of reading the book, I wondered if I would get lost in the details as there are many places and faces. The result was quite the opposite. This intense action packed thriller was such a great read I had trouble putting it down.  If you have ever dreamed of becoming a super spy there is plenty of opportunity to live vicariously through the characters and work undercover. As a man searches through his memories to find his identity, the plot thickens and the answer is not so simple. You play the detective and figure out who the mysterious Jason Bourne really is!  Read the whole series:

The Bourne Identity

The Bourne Supremacy

The Bourne Ultimatum

The Bourne Legacy


10 Outdoor Activities for Children


It’s springtime and what better way to enjoy the weather than to enjoy time outside with your kids!  They will soak up that Vitamin D and avoid sitting in front of the video game console for hours.

Here is your to do list:

  1. Take a nice nature hike or throw a frisbee at one of our many fine parks in Hendricks County.  
  2. Go on a scavenger hunt to see who can spot different items first.  For example a flower, a pine cone, a bumblebee, someone walking their dog, a seed, a squirrel, etc.
  3. Try to construct a house out of 20 items you find outside. 
  4. Find an inspiring location and paint or draw a masterpiece. You could each complete a part of one artwork or make your own individual works of art.
  5. Discover which trail you like best on a bike ride to the nearest ice cream shop.
  6. Start a garden.  Pick out your favorite fruits and veggies and get planting!
  7. Play a game or two of HORSE.
  8. Invite other neighborhood kids to create a sidewalk chalk mural, play hopscotch, or just to play on the swings.
  9. Make homemade smoothies or popsicles and enjoy them on a sunny day.  This website can get you started:
  10. Wait for a windy day and let your kite soar!

Print off your to do list and get going!  If it’s a rainy day or you have already completed these activities you could always come visit the library!  There are a wide variety of programs for all ages so don’t forget to register or drop in!

Emily enjoying Hummel Park’s twister slide!


Straight No Chaser

Check out Indiana’s own Straight No Chaser:

They started out on the campus of IU (I will not hold a grudge as I am a Purdue graduate!) and with growing popularity have now been featured in the 2011 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and made other national TV appearances!  If you are into A capella sounds, this group is worth a listen.  They have a soft, smooth sound with a variety of slow and fast tracks.  I like that they have their own unique take on songs that are already popular.  One of my favorite songs is a comedic version of the classic Twelve Days of Christmas as presented in the video below:  

On a side note, while researching the correct spelling of A capella there are apparently a wide variety of opinions.  See for yourself at You can chose which you think is correct!       
